
20 May 2014

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Most of us don’t live in a perfect world so cleaning is essential. Sponge on the run is always one step ahead of everyone else when it comes to achieving dazzling results. Sponge on the run know the importance of working with products that have been designed to work together in a series of disciplined and time-tested steps to making your car and windows looking like new, sometimes our harsh environment can resort in your car and windows suffering from extensive cosmetic damage.


If there is a single maintenance activity that offers the biggest benefit to your car and house appearance; it’s keeping them both clean through regular cleaning. That means more than just a good hosing. You have to scrub it.



We focus on what works and the products we will use on our own cars/windows and house. It is our own continuous process of learning and pursuit of solutions for detailing perfection that makes a product worthy of being offered to you.


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